Other Volunteering
Volunteer with LOHP
LOHP relies on the enthusiasm and diverse skills of local people for its success. Although we use contractors for larger management tasks. New volunteers are always needed to spread the load and to help us achieve more for the wildlife, landscape and enjoyment of our valley. The time given by volunteers is doubly useful because much of it counts as 'in kind' contributions towards some of our larger projects; the monetary value of volunteer time is used to increase the size of grant we receive.

Getting muddy!
All contributions are valued, from substantial regular involvement to just a few hours here and there. Just a few of many possible volunteering opportunities are suggested on this page. If you want to try a new skill, LOHP may be able to help with training to get you started. Getting muddy is not compulsory!

Open Day

Bonfire, Blo'Norton Fen

Annual General Meeting

Open Day
Events Assistant
Newsletter Distribution Co-ordinator
Survey Co-ordinator and Analyst
Riverfly Monitoring
Compiling histories of LOHP sites and landscapes
Creative Arts - interpreting the valley through creative writing and the visual arts
Water Level Surveys
Writing accounts of favourite walks that can be taken through the valley
Site Warden
Level Surveys
Soil Sampling
Footpath Warden
Construction Projects (eg bridge building)
Biological Recording (botanical, invertebrates - butterfly surveys, mammals)
Legacy Campaign Promotion
Historical Research and Archiving
Photocopying and scanning material for the LOHP archive
Compiling and maintaining the archive
Financial Planning
Membership Recruitment
Legal Adviser
Health and Safety Officer
Building a Geographic Information System (GIS) for the LOHP area
Public Relations and Advertising
Social Media
Fund Raising
To find out more about any of these opportunities, or to offer other skills, please contact us